Underwater Archaeology Endorsement
The Underwater Archaeology ScotSAC diving endorsement has been introduced to promote an awareness of maritime heritage and underwater archaeology. It also aims to rewards those ScotSAC members who are prepared to learn new diving skills and widen their knowledge.
The endorsement is titled ‘Underwater Archaeology’ and to gain the endorsement the candidate has to complete two eLearning courses run by the Nautical Archaeology Society (NAS).
These are Discover Maritime Archaeology and Discover Underwater Archaeology.
These two courses cover subjects such as:
Site types, artefact investigation, archaeological dating methods, legislation, recording and monitoring a site, research and pre-fieldwork, health and safety, geophysics, undertaking fieldwork, survival conditions for artefacts, post-field work, archiving and dissemination.
The NAS offer a cost saving if you sign up and complete both courses together.
Information on both courses and instructions on how you sign up are found on the NAS website
Any qualified ScotSAC diver can gain this award and if you have already completed these NAS eLearning courses, the endorsement can be gained retrospectively.
Additionally this endorsement can be used towards completing the ScotSAC First Class Diver award.