ScotSAC was represented today by our NDO at a Zoom meeting with EHT and other interested parties amidst rumours that the access road to 2 excellent dive sites was being closed.
Christine Bell, Business Manager for EHT, reassured everyone that EHT recognise the importance of dive tourism in the area and that the existing dive shore access road to Greens End Gully is being relocated a short distance. CB shared two options that are being explored to inform the planning application. Both options were well received by attendees.
She further confirmed that
- The development of the O&M base at Eyemouth will require the dive access road route to be modified and forms part of a new Masterplan for the harbour.
- The intention is to retain and relocate the dive access road.
- EHT intend to submit a planning application for the new access in late June and to carry out the work in the autumn of 2020.
- EHT is keen to engage with the diving community to understand usage and enable them to discuss the works as plans are progressed.
- The online survey was launched the previous evening and was receiving a strong response thanks to everyone for sharing and promoting. EHT were also working with Rosemary Lunn of The Underwater Marketing Company to develop and promote the survey.