From Eyemouth Harbour Trust
Eyemouth Harbour Trust are reaching out to the diving community. Please assist by completing the survey, follow the link below:
For background: Eyemouth Harbour Trust intend to lease an area at Gunsgreen Basin to construct an operations and maintenance facility for an offshore windfarm. This will bring new employers into the town and we have had generally positive feedback so far following local consultation. The development will alter the layout of the area to the north of the basin. This will cover the current entry point to the dive shore access road, therefore realignment and embankment engineering are required. To clarify, the intention is to relocate the access route, not close it. Options for alternative routes are being considered with a view to submitting a planning application in the near future.
It would be helpful for us to understand the current usage of the shore access road to inform our plans. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey as we welcome your input.