- Seasearch
A national project for volunteer sports divers who have an interest in what they're seeing under water, want to learn more and want to help protect the marine environment. - Atlantic Coral Ecosystems Study (ACES): a wide environmental baseline assessment of Europe’s deep water coral reefs, including the Darwin Mounds, Rockall Banks and Rockall Trough.
- ARKive: a lasting audio-visual record of life on Earth.
- Blue Ventures; an award winning UK-based not-for-profit organisation dedicated to facilitating projects that enhance global coral reef conservation and research.
- British Divers Marine Life Rescue; BDMLR was formed in 1988 in response to the mass mortality of Harbour seals in the Wash area of East Anglia. BDMLR provide a 24 hour volunteer rescue service for stranded whales and dolphins and training for over 300 volunteers a year.
- British Isles Seaweed Images: an interactive colour photographic guide to a wide selection of the marine algae of the British Isles.
- British Marine Life Study Society Scotland
- British Marine Life Study Society BMLSS England
- COAST: Community of Arran Seabed Trust: COAST is currently concerned with the establishment of an area to be a ‘no-take zone’ and also a total restriction of mobile fishing gear within the whole of Lamlash Bay.
- Crustikon – Crustacean photographic website: a scientific, non-profit crustacean website focused on photography & hosted by Tromso Museum .
- Deep Sea World: Scotland's largest aquarium.
- Earthdive.com: Online dive and scientific log, subscription £10 per year.
- Eco-Diving; this website aims to spread the word on diving in an eco-friendly way. Registered users can grade dive centres according to a list of simple standards.
- Encyclopedia of Marine Life of Britain and Ireland: a photographic guide of a selection of the larger animals which live round the coasts of Britain and Ireland.
- Euro Turtle: the United Kingdom Turtle Code. Turtles are legally protected in UK waters, this guide explains how to report sightings or strandings.
- FishBase: all you ever wanted to know about fishes!
- Friends of The Moray Firth Dolphins.
- Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust.
- John Muir Trust: protecting and conserving Scotland's wild places.
- Joint Nature Conservation Committee: the UK Government's wildlife adviser, includes Mermaid the JNCC's Marine Environmental Resource Mapping and Information Database.
- Marine Conservation Society: the UK Charity dedicated to the protection of the marine environment and its wildlife.
- MarLIN: Marine Life Information Network for Britain and Ireland, superb species information pages.
- Porcupine Marine Natural History Society: informal society interested in marine natural history and recording, particularly in the North East Atlantic region and the Mediterranean Sea.
- Scottish Natural Heritage
- Scottish Nudibranchs: extensive identification site of our nudibranchs species.
- Scottish Seabird Centre: aims to promote and conserve Scotland's rich natural environment and create a world class centre for wildlife education
- Scottish Wildlife Trust
- SeaWeb: a project designed to raise awareness of the world ocean and the life within it.
- Sealife Survey: joint venture between MarLIN and WWF, record your sightings online.
- The Shark Trust: promotes the study, management and conservation of sharks, skates and rays.
- UK Marine Marine Special Areas of Conservation
- Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society
- Whalewatch: a new campaign initiative of over 140 non-governmental organisations representing more than 55 countries worldwide which focuses on the inherent cruelty associated with killing whales.
- World Wide Fund for Nature
The Scottish Sub Aqua Club is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.